

Bishal Media Group is a media company registered under the Company Registration Act 2063. The Company Act, Labor Journalists Act, Public Procurement Act, and other regulatory bodies’ rules and laws are all scrupulously adhered by this media group. BMG is completely cognizant of the ethics and secrecy of journalism. In order to achieve the target objectives of this media group, company is working by developing financial regulations, administrative regulations, employee services, terms and selection regulations, program management procedures and other regulations. In the context of program execution, this media group has given the following particular consideration:

  • Every action will adhere to the journalism standards and Nepali Law.
  • Strictly forbidden to engage in child labor, labor exploitation, sexual exploitation, or in any other unethical practices.
  • Any form of selfishness or deceit will not be tolerated in this media group. Also, there is zero tolerance for corruption.
  • Inclusivity, backward/marginalized classes and communities will be given priority in recruiting process.
  • Company’s income and expenses will be managed through the software and the obligations and taxes owed to government and other agencies will be paid regularly.
  • When collaborating with partner agencies, understanding will be made only by knowing the company’s code of conduct and primary areas. BMG will not participate in any program that is detrimental to the nation or has vested interests.
  • There won’t be any initiatives that lead to conflicts of interest.
  • The company will prioritize social responsibility.